We begin each seminar by handing out a rubber stress ball in the form of a brain.
​The audience will be asked to squeeze the ball and hold it. Then Dr. Winchester
​will explain how the human body deals with stress. Our body is designed to take
​a great deal of stress for a short period of time but unreleased stress causes the
body to break down. He will demonstrate how you can squeeze the ball for short
periods indefinitely if you take the time to release the ball and allow your hand
to relax. He will conclude by making it very clear how unreleased stress is the killer,
not stress itself.

Next, Mr. Slater will ask for a volunteer to “Walk the plank.” This drill entails taping out on the stage a 30x1 area to symbolize a plank. The volunteer will be asked to walk across. Then a series of questions will be asked. For example: “If the plank was now fifty feet in the air would you cross?” If they say no, then they would be asked if they would cross it for a certain amount of money. This is done several times as the plank gets
raised along with the amount of money until they will not cross. Then an example is used such as, “What if it were to save you child?” The point of this exercise is to teach them about their ‘fear break.’ This will be discussed in detail and how it is commitment that releases it. We will teach them that stress comes from operating with their fear break on. Mr. Krohn will share his experiences in his football career with his fear break on and moments later with is fear break off to demonstrate this concept in action.

The last element we will be finishing with is duty and honor. This is how commitment is created and then the fear break releases. Duty and honor will be defined as a clear understanding of your responsibility in a situation so you can let go to the possible outcomes that are not in your control. Each of us will give example in our own lives.

The audience will come away with a clear understanding of what creates stress and what it takes to
​move past it.

Stress causes the body to break down. Learn how to release it.
How It Works
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